Content tagged sbcl

Static Executables with SBCL v2

posted on 2021-02-24 21:50:00

It's taken me much longer than I hoped, but I finally have a second version of my patches to build static executables tested and ready to go! This set of patches vastly improves upon the first by reducing the amount of compilation needed at the cost of sacrificing a little purity. Additionally I have created a system that automates the process of building a static executable, along with other release related tasks.

Static Executables with SBCL

posted on 2021-01-05 13:00:00

UPDATE: Make sure to see my follow up post to this).

Common Lisp is an amazing language with many great implementations. The image based development paradigm vastly increases developer productivity and enjoyment. However, there frequently comes a time in a program's life cycle where development pauses and a version must be delivered for use by non-developers. There are many tools available to build an executable in Common Lisp, most of which follow the theme of "construct a Lisp image in memory, then dump it to disk for later reloading". That being said, none of the existing methods fit 100% of my use cases, so this post is dedicated to documenting how I filled the gap by convincing SBCL to generate completely static executables.

This blog covers asdf, blog, cl-docker-images, clpm, common-lisp, sbcl

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